SERVPRO of Carrollton and Far North Dallas

Damage restoration company reviews the most severe hail events in Texas
Monday, March 27th 2023, 9:00 AM

The cost of hailstorms and storm damage in Texas

Carrollton, United States - March 27, 2023 / SERVPRO of Carrollton and Far North Dallas /

SERVPRO of Carrollton offers flood restoration services when severe weather strikes. The insurance industry recognizes the devastating impact of high winds and hail on property in Texas. “Texas is known for its volatile storm season. It’s also the most hail-damaged state in the country, so it’s no wonder wind and hail are the most common perils homeowners face…Unsurprisingly, the most common home insurance claims in Texas are for home exterior and roof damage due to wind and hail. Nationally, 1 in 42 insurance claims involves hail and wind damage. The average in Texas is much higher. The category of wind damage includes damages from tornadoes, hurricanes, windstorms, and more.”

According to the experts, the cost of property damage cleanup, repair, and restoration for high wind and hail is staggering. “Hail is the costliest natural disaster in Texas. It’s not uncommon for hail damages to run into the billions of dollars every year in our state. Hail in Texas causes more property damage than tornadoes and hurricanes combined. These weather events are hard to predict. Many homeowners are caught unaware, and their homes suffer from severe roof damage, broken glass, and other hazards.”

The worst hailstorms in the recent history of Texas

An understanding of the power of hail to damage property underscores the need for preparation and readiness when severe weather strikes and causes storm and flood damage. The Lone Star State has experienced annual property damage from hail on a level with the costliest years ever recorded for hailstorm damage. (Dollar amounts are adjusted to reflect 2019 values.)

#10. Carrollton: June 6, 2018 - $639 million

Carrollton, Texas, experienced the worst of a hailstorm that caused over $639 million in property damage. Hailstones three inches in diameter pelted the greater Dallas-Fort Worth area.

#9. McAllen: March 29, 2012 - $670 million

During this storm, McAllen was rocked by the largest hailstone in recorded history to hit the Rio Grande Valley. Hailstones the size of baseballs pummeled the area, and winds registering 75 miles per hour accompanied the barrage of icy missiles.

#8. Plano: March 23, 2016 - $748 million

A band of severe thunderstorms which spawned one tornado slammed into northern Tarrant County. Northern Dallas and Southern Collin County received extensive damage totaling three-quarters of a billion dollars.

#7. Dallas-Fort Worth: April 3, 2012 - $866 million

In the mele of severe weather, 22 tornados descended on metro Dallas-Fort Worth and the surrounding region. The DFW Metroplex sustained severe damage from the large hailstones. Over 100 airplanes were damaged and had to be taken out of service until repairs could be made. Thankfully, thunderstorms, high winds, tornados, and large hail caused no fatalities. However, 24 people were injured.

#6. Denton: April 3, 2014 - $921 million

Denton received the brunt of the damage. Softball-sized hail caused nearly $1 billion in damages, and three tornadoes cut a swath of destruction through the area.

#5. Dallas-Fort Worth: June 13, 2012 - $995 million

Hail from several supercells pounded Dallas County during this weather event. Hail stones as large as 3 inches smacked some areas for up to 30 minutes. The unrelenting beatdown damaged tens of thousands of vehicles. Homes in the region experienced broken windows and extensive roof damage. The high winds and incessant hail left trees stripped of their leaves.

#4. North Texas: April 5, 2003 - $1.23 billion

Three large storm cells blanketed much of North Texas, including Dallas–Fort Worth, with hail. Siding, windows, gutters, roofs, aircraft, vehicles, and vegetation were punched and pelted by the frozen precipitation, and three people sustained physical injuries.

#3. Fort Worth-Waco: April 28, 1992 - $1.37 billion

This devastating weather event involved Fort Worth and Waco, nearly 100 miles from each other. Over five hours, residents on a path from Waco to Fort Worth sheltered as grapefruit-sized hailstones crashed through windows and smashed into roofs. The massive hailstorm became the worst-ever hail event in Texas history.

#2. San Antonio: April 12, 2016 - $1.5 billion

A dynamic weather pattern sent hailstorms rumbling across South Central Texas. A fierce hailstorm roared through the northern half of San Antonio, producing giant hail. One hailstone measured 4.5 inches, tying the record for the largest ever recorded in Bexar County. Approximately 125,000 homes and 136,000 vehicles sustained damage from the monster hailstorms.

#1. North Texas: May 5, 1995 - $1.85 billion

The famous “1995 Mayfest Storm” blanketed parts of southern Parker County with hail the size of golf balls. In some places, the hail was 18 inches deep. The storm intensified and moved into Tarrant County, hurling baseball-sized balls at vehicles, homes, livestock, and people. Softball-size hail was reported at many locations, including Mayfest, where an estimated 10,000 people were caught in the open. The fierce storm caused wind damage, hail damage, flood damage, and water damage.

Why Choose SERVPRO of Carrollton for water and flood damage restoration

The team at SERVPRO of Carrollton has the training, expertise, and experience to provide water damage and flood damage restoration services when a disaster strikes. When a widespread disaster strikes, the SERVPRO family can scale to meet the challenges it brings. Equipped with industrial-strength pumps, technicians can remove large quantities of water from homes and businesses. The rapid response and quick cleaning minimize damage and return life to normal as soon as possible in communities like Indian Creek Carrollton, TX.

For more information about flood restoration services in Carrollton, TX, contact SERVPRO of Carrollton by calling (972) 446-0383 or emailing

Contact Information:

SERVPRO of Carrollton and Far North Dallas

3033 Kellway Dr #124
Carrollton, TX 75006
United States

Mary Jo Ciatto
(972) 446-0383

Original Source:


SERVPRO of Carrollton is locally owned and operated and is known for putting their customers first!  Our owners, Phil and Mary Jo Ciatto have over 40 years combined in the service industry.


Mary Jo Ciatto
SERVPRO of Carrollton and Far North Dallas

3033 Kellway Dr
Carrollton, TX, 75006, United States

Phone (972) 446-0383


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